Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Reviving the blog! Yay!

I have great news for you guys who actually read our blog!
we're gonna revive it!

                                                  We knew you wished for it....

Both me and Peter know you guys wished for our blog to be revived. So we made some thinking and realized why we actually stopped some days ago.
We think we had too high expectations of this blog and on ourselves so that's why we felt down and didn't feel like we wanted to continue with the blog.

Anyway, we won't update as often as we did before, we're probably just gonna update when we feel like it and when we think we have something interesting to update with.

So we hope you'll keep reading our blog from now on and look forward to the bigger and funnier updates we'll do!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Sad day!

Okey, we've got quite boring news for you guys.

We're sorry to say this, but both me and Peter feels that this blog isn't really that much fun anymore. We still don't know 100% if we will update more after this.

This is because we have quite few things to actually show you guys...well, ofcourse there is always something to show you, but we have to do things in order to get something fun to update and we don't have either time or feel like taking the bus every second day and do something just to update more, because it takes a lot of time and work to do it.

So from now on, if you guys wants to keep following us i think we might upload pictures and maybe videos to facebook from now on.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Lamest update ever!

Okey, it's time for me to try my first english update aswell!
My english is kinda poor but i hope you guys will enjoy reading it anyway!

Anyway, we haven't really done anything lately...we are just going to school and yeah, chillin' with friends afterwards for maybe 2 hours then we normally eat something and that's all we do on weekdays...no one really has any energy to go out and actually get some cool stuff that we can upload here.

So i thought i could show you guys a nice picture atleast from some days ago when me and my Japanese friend were hanging out.
This picture is from Pontocho, a quite famous street in Kyoto. I love this street, it's awesome (but everything is so expensive hehe)
I think they kept this street because it's so old. But it feels like you are in a movie when you walk there.


Well, this must be the lamest update we've ever done, but it's better than nothing and then you guys will know that me and Peter are still alive atleast ;P

I want to have more requests of stuff you guys want to see, like...do you want to see Japanese food, do you want to see more random videos where we do something special, or maybe just want to see more pictures of places or yeah...anyway you get my point. Please tell us because it's so hard knowing what you guys actually wants to see.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Hot origamis? Noo...

Actually, we don't really have much to write about today since we're still exhausted from Golden Week. We still haven't showed you our visit from Ginkakuji properly so a little further down below, you find the pictures as usual.

Right now my termometer shows 26 degrees in the room with a full opened window, I thought I would start dying when the temperature started hitting these high numbers even at night but I'm still kind of cool with it. Back in Sweden I would probably have started moaning about the heat around 20 degrees if I know myself right. We have yet to experience a true summer day here in Kyoto, but when that time arrives you'll be the sure to read a text or two from a whiny Peter or Jens. ;)

One reason why Japan is more fun to shop in,
I got this randomly with my purchase when
bying a new alarm clock. Origami bird!

Otherwise we're trying to find more material to show you guys, we know that you like our video updates the most and we're really trying to fit more of these on the blog but there should be at least one interesting thing to get on tape sooo... just wait a little more until we find more stuff! If wanted, we could always do more "first-time-tasting"-videos for you.

Request away as usual!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

A new beginning

This update won't really contain any new content from Japan but rather a brief explanation of a very big change on this blog.

If you hadn't heard it through Facebook, Skype etc. etc. then you know it now by reading this post. This blog will from now on be written in English! There are a lot of reasons for this and I hope you won't be feeling sad about this choice of ours, me and Jens have thought about it for some time now and finally decided.

The main reason for the change is without no doubt that our reader base could be a lot bigger than it already is. We would like to thank everyone from Sweden who really have supported us with some really cool numbers until now, but as we continually make more friends on a international level, we can't really keep ourself to only write in Swedish anymore. We really hope no one will get sad about this and stop reading the blog!

Regarding the comments, if you still feel to comment in Swedish it's no problems, we will not rage on anyone that isn't comfortable enough to write in English. Both me and Jens would also excuse ourselves from not writing flawless English, it isn't our main language and there will probably be mistakes here and there. And we also know the header is in Swedish but right now we don't have the tools to fix that. Just live with it! ^___^

To end it all, thanks to everyone that supports the change of language and I hope we continue to see a steady use of the comment fields on the blog. To sum it all up I'm posting a picture that was taken during friday at Ginkakuji, a perfect finish for the first English update!

(and no, there are nothing more to the picture except then a stick and some nature, 
don't try to find something fun, it's only an excuse to use an image ;))

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Karaoke kväll!

Igår var jag och peter på Ginkakuji templet med lite andra folk från skolan! Där mötte vi bland annat upp en japansk kompis till en av oss!
Det var dock lite fult att dom säger att det är "Silver pavilion" med tanke på att inget var i silver alls vad jag märkte.
I vilket fall som helst så var det rätt fint, det var ett oerhört fint område! 


                     Här har ni lite utav templet och det fina området runt om!

Efter att vi var på templet så träffade vi upp lite mer härliga japaner och gick till Rainbow karaoke (tror jag det hette)
Det är såklart ett ställe där man kan sjunga karaoke, jag själv var ganska skeptisk till allt innan, men när man väl kom dit så var det oerhört roligt att sjunga och sen blev det ju inte mindre roligt att man betalade 160 kr för 6 timmar och får dricka hur mycket man vill under dessa timmarna heller.

I vilket fall som helst så gjorde jag en härlig liten video på detta så ni kan få se ungefär hur det kan gå till!

Btw i'm sorry for the bad quality of the video, but i have no idea what i did when i uploaded it so i hope it'll be allright! haha 

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Kinkakuji Templet!

I måndags var jag och min Japanska vän och kollade på templet Kinkakuji (The golden pavilion) ett oerhört känt tempel i Kyoto som har fasaden byggd av rent guld.
Det var oerhört fint att se det, men tyvärr var detta början på Golden week vilket innebär att alla japaner ska ut samtidigt. Detta resulterar då såklart i trängsel.

Trots denna trängseln var man ju tvungen att ta lite kort, dessa kort kan ni såklart se nedanför här

Efter att vi varit på Kinkakuji så bestämde vi oss för att dra in till stan och käka lite japansk mat.
Maträtten heter Okinomiyaki. Det var väldigt speciellt, men det är ungefär som japans typ av pannkakor, fast med valfritt kött i. Plus att man hade fisk "skinn" på och att det var lite mer "kladdigt" så man skulle kunna äta med pinnar.
I vilket fall som helst låter det ganska äckligt, men det var faktiskt gott!

Efter detta visade hon runt på lite fina ställen så jag kunde ta lite kort. Men dom korten får ni inte se idag hihi (härlig tease va? ;)

Sen vill jag bara tilllägga att vi börjar sakna era kommentarer, vi uppskattar era kommentarer och ni får gärna ge önskningar på om det är något speciellt ni vill se så ska vi försöka uppfylla era önskningar ^_^