Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Hot origamis? Noo...

Actually, we don't really have much to write about today since we're still exhausted from Golden Week. We still haven't showed you our visit from Ginkakuji properly so a little further down below, you find the pictures as usual.

Right now my termometer shows 26 degrees in the room with a full opened window, I thought I would start dying when the temperature started hitting these high numbers even at night but I'm still kind of cool with it. Back in Sweden I would probably have started moaning about the heat around 20 degrees if I know myself right. We have yet to experience a true summer day here in Kyoto, but when that time arrives you'll be the sure to read a text or two from a whiny Peter or Jens. ;)

One reason why Japan is more fun to shop in,
I got this randomly with my purchase when
bying a new alarm clock. Origami bird!

Otherwise we're trying to find more material to show you guys, we know that you like our video updates the most and we're really trying to fit more of these on the blog but there should be at least one interesting thing to get on tape sooo... just wait a little more until we find more stuff! If wanted, we could always do more "first-time-tasting"-videos for you.

Request away as usual!


  1. hej grabbar! fina bilder som vanligt.ser ut att vara en väldigt fin plats som ni är på.på en av bilderna är det fisk i vattnet och en massa små pengar,är det någon form av önske brunn eller vad?

    1. Hej pappa! ^_^
      Tackar så mycket!

      Det var väldigt fint, men lite för mycket folk som vanligt haha.
      Det är en typ av önskebrunn där man då ska kasta pengar och så ska dom landa på stenen och då får man önska sig någonting.

      Det är svårare än det ser ut ;)
