Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Sad day!

Okey, we've got quite boring news for you guys.

We're sorry to say this, but both me and Peter feels that this blog isn't really that much fun anymore. We still don't know 100% if we will update more after this.

This is because we have quite few things to actually show you guys...well, ofcourse there is always something to show you, but we have to do things in order to get something fun to update and we don't have either time or feel like taking the bus every second day and do something just to update more, because it takes a lot of time and work to do it.

So from now on, if you guys wants to keep following us i think we might upload pictures and maybe videos to facebook from now on.


  1. Ohhh this news makes me really sad :(
    Since I'm looking forward to your two blog!


    1. Yeah it really is a little sad but just like Jens pointed out we really had to force out updates that sometimes wasn't fun for either you or us soo... this was the way it ended up in. Soooorry! :(

  2. Noooooooooooooo. :( I don't think you have to actually do something "interesting" like going away by bus to some park or anything, it's just fun to follow you guys doing ordinary stuff as well, and update once every week or every other week.

    Plus I don't have facebook. :(

    1. We are happy to hear you like to follow us ^^

      We aren't still sure if we will quit 100%. Maybe we will update when we do bigger stuff.

      But we won't focus on the blog from now on. Just update if we want to and feel like it. ^^

  3. Stop playing Diablo 3 then, you will have more time :)

    1. Actually my D3 doesn't even work. lol
      I have bought it 2 times already and after maybe 9 hours i get logged out and they say i only have starter edition and that my money transfer failed.

  4. det var klent grabbar!jag håller med spelinnea ni behöver inte skriva så ofta,skriv när det har hänt något.har ingen facebook o kommer ingen skaffa. ps!man ser ju fram mot att läsa eran blogg när man startar datorn.

    1. Jag tror det kommer komma stora uppdateringar här lite då och då, men inte på småsaker längre som vi hade förut.

  5. Tycker allt ni borde kunna hinna med ett inlägg i veckan. Kan ju vara kul för er, även om ni inte gjort något speciellt. Exempelvis i framtiden när ni glömt bort vad ni gjorde i japan. Skriv endast vad ni känner för att skriva.

    1. Nu har jag dålig koll på vem du är! men vi kommer uppdatera så ofta vi känner för det nu då vi tyvärr inte bloggar för andra längre utan för oss själva. ^_^

  6. Andreas i era hjärtan19 June, 2012 16:05

    Ne vet ni vad! Godis motiverar, ÄT GODIS! Plus att det är små sakerna som är kul att höra om, ni behöver ju inte göra utflykter och grejor! :)

    1. Vi lyssnar på dig Andreas! Vi vill egentligen skriva om all småskit men atm är vi lite lata bara, snart så kommer vi säkert på fötter igen! :D Godis hjälper alltid som du sgäer ;)
